world´s largest solar photovoltaic plant

04-03-2009 00:00

Mitsubishi Corporation partners with ACCIONA by taking a 34% stake in world´s largest solar photovoltaic plant


In the presence of ACCIONA Chairman and CEO José Manuel Entrecanales and Mitsubishi Corporation Chairman Mikio Sasaki, both companies have signed an agreement giving Mitsubishi Corp a stake in Portugal´s Amareleja (Moura) PV solar plant, which is owned by ACCIONA. This deal signals the will of both companies to work together in the future on renewable energy and other sustainable development projects worldwide. With a total investment of 261 million euros, the Amareleja PV plant is a prime example of how renewable energy can contribute to local economic development. In the presence of ACCIONA Chairman and CEO José Manuel Entrecanales and Mitsubishi Corporation Chairman Mikio Sasaki, both companies have signed an agreement giving Mitsubishi a 34% stake in Amper Central Solar, the developer of Portugal´s Amareleja (Moura) PV solar plant, 100% owned by ACCIONA. This deal marks the first collaboration of both companies in renewable energy. ACCIONA, one of the world´s largest renewable energy companies, and Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan´s largest industrial group, plan to extend their collaboration in renewable energy and other sustainable development projects worldwide as a result of their synergies in technologies, business activities and geographic locations. Both companies agree on the need to move towards a sustainable energy model and in so doing create the base for the significant expansion of industry and other productive sectors. The 45.8MWp Amareleja (Moura) plant is the world´s largest grid-connected photovoltaic solar plant and required an investment of 261 million Euros. It has an estimated annual production of 93 million KWh, enough to supply 30,000 homes with electricity. The plant has set a new global benchmark in terms of its generation capacity, advanced technology and contribution to the local economy. These three key elements make it the ideal first project for ACCIONA and Mitsubishi Corporation to mark the launch of their new collaboration in renewable energy and other sustainable development projects The 250-hectare Amareleja plant will avoid the emissions of 89,383 tonnes of CO 2 a year that would have otherwise been produced by coal-fired power stations producing the same amount of energy. The plant will help to achieve the objectives laid out in the Portuguese government´s E4 Energy Efficiency and Endogenous Energies policy. It will also help Portugal meet its greenhouse gases reduction commitments. ACCIONA is one of Spain´s leading corporations, with operations in infrastructure, energy, water and services in more than 30 countries. Its slogan “Pioneers in Sustainable Development” reflects its commitment to achieve sustainable development in all of its business areas, contributing to economic growth, social progress and environmental balance. ACCIONA, leader of its sector in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, has a workforce of over 41,000 employees and sales of €12,665 million in 2008. ACCIONA is quoted on the Spanish IBEX-35 (ANA.MC) selective index. Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) is Japan´s largest general trading company (sogo shosha) with over 200 bases of operations in approximately 80 countries worldwide. With over 500 group companies, MC employs a multinational workforce of approximately 60,000 people. MC has long been engaged in business with customers around the world in virtually every industry, including energy, metals, machinery, chemicals, food and general merchandise. MC seeks to contribute to the enrichment of society through business firmly rooted in principles of fairness and integrity.


Fonte: Acciona Wind Energy USA




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